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Reservio is a web-based service/product, which is the property of and is supported by "Reservio, s.r.o.", a company based in Hlinky 995/70, Staré Brno, 603 00 Brno, Czech Republic.
The present Terms and Conditions regulate the Use of all Reservio's products and services, including the "Reservio.com" website and its content. It contains two documents: Reservio's Terms of Service (TOS) and Privacy Policy.
BY USING RESERVIO'S WEBSITE (INCLUDING ITS CONTENT) AND/OR PRODUCTS AND/OR SERVICES, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THAT FOLLOW, TO ANY POLICIES THAT MAY BE ADDED TO THEM, AND TO ANY REVISIONS OR CHANGES THAT THEY MAY BE THE SUBJECT OF. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, OR YOU DO NOT WISH TO BE BOUNDED BY THEM, DO NOT USE RESERVIO'S WEBSITE, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES. Reservio, s.r.o. reserves the right to, at any time, update the Terms and Conditions, at its discretion, to take into account legal, industry-related, or any other changes in the status quo. The latest updated version of these Terms and Conditions is available at www.reservio.com. Reservio, s.r.o. undertakes to notify Users of these Terms by email, at least 10 days prior to the effective date of the new version. The User has the right to reject the change of Terms by sending a notice to support@reservio.com. If the User does not amend the Terms and Conditions that have been properly notified, the contract relationship is governed by a new version of the Terms. These documents enter into force on the date of their last update.
Terms Of Service
The Reservio's website, its contents, products and services are available to all individuals of legal age, who are legally capable of entering into contracts (binding agreements). Proof of compliance to these criteria may be requested upon access to all (or some) services and/or products, in the form of identification details or contact information.
These Terms of Service are established between Us and Users. No other person is entitled to benefit under these.
If any court or regulator decides that any provision of these Terms of Service is invalid or otherwise unenforceable, such provision shall be severed and deleted from these TOS and the remainder terms and conditions shall continue to have full force and effect. If TOS are inconsistent with the terms and conditions noted on Your registration with Reservio (if applicable) the TOS shall prevail, unless otherwise specified on additional documentation supplied by Reservio's Customer Care department.
1. Definitions
Wherever found in the Terms and Conditions, "You", "Yourself" and "User" refers to you, the user of the Reservio's website, its contents, products and services, and "Your" shall be interpreted accordingly. Moreover, "We", "Us" and "Reservio" refer to Reservio, s.r.o. and "Our" and "Reservio's" shall be interpreted accordingly. "User Information" refers to the personal details that may be collected by Us on Reservio.com and/or in the course of the registration and/or acquisition to/of any Reservio's services or products. "Our Website" refers to the website "Reservio.com" and all webpages associated to it. However, "Reservio Site" refers to Websites or Widgets of our Users, hence created using the system Reservio. "Third Party" refers to any person/entity/company that are not associated to Reservio, s.r.o..
2. Services Available
2.1 Free Version
Reservio's basic tool for creating and hosting scheduling system is absolutely free of charge to each and all Users. The characteristics of Our free versions might be specific to the type of site in question. The Free version is limited, e.g. as to how many upcoming appointments or how many clients you can store. For full list of limitations see our current Pricing at Reservio.com.
2.2 Premium Services
Once You identify a need to increase the capabilities of your scheduling system, You can acquire one of our Premium services. An accurate and up-to-date description of our services can be found on Our website in the Pricing section.
All services are provided in the latest version available at the time of contract conclusion. You will be notified of any necessary updates. Updates to the services are automatic without the need for User activity. An internet connection is required for the functionality of the service.
3. Paid Services
3.1 Prices
All of the services have a set price or a range of prices. These prices may be subject of adjustments to take into account market changes, or be temporary substituted by special/promotional prices. The prices are set in the local currency, or in United States Dollars (USD). To review Our price table please click here. Reservio is entitled to negotiate individual prices with Users. VAT will be added to the prices at the legal rate.
3.2 Acquisition of Premium Services
All of Our Premium services are available at the Administration of Your project. Failure to pay the subscription fee will result in cancellation of access to the Premium Services. For further information You can contact Our Customer Care department at Reservio.com.
As part of Premium Services, you can subscribe to the SMS notification function and purchase an SMS package. Please note that once you have purchased the SMS package, you cannot cancel the contract and request a refund.
4. Contract and Contract Revocation
4.1 Contract
A binding contract is initiated between You and Reservio, at the time You order a service and it will be uphold once the payment is successfully completed. "Successfully completed" is defined as full amount was paid and an invoice is available in the Administration of Your Reservio account. There is a "refundable period" of 15 days from the conclusion of the contract or Successful completion of payment in which You can request cancelation of the service. However, this process follows a specific set of criteria and rules (please refer to Paragraph 5.4).
It is not possible to withdraw from the concluded contract and request cancellation of the ordered services within a 15-day period, if You have used the Reservio paid service at any time in the past and you have already created an account with us, especially if there is only an automatic renewal of the provision of services.
In exceptional cases, it is possible to withdraw from the contract after this period upon payment of a handling fee. The decision is purely at Reservio's discretion.
4.2 Contract Revocation
Revocation of any service can be requested at any time if You do not intend to obtain the refund of paid fees. Also, revocation, acquisition of services, and request for changes in current services (i.e., whatever affects the functionality of Your project) must be presented by You (the owner of the project) in written (by email), and from the email address used to register the project.
4.3 Duration of the Contract
Contracts for the purchase of service packages are concluded for a period of 6 months or longer. For the remaining services, unless it is otherwise notified upon purchase, the contract ends once the service is provided. Reservio may negotiate the duration of the contract with the User differently from the duration specified in the Pricing.
5. Payments/Fees and Refunds
5.1 Methods of Payment
Premium services can be paid by Credit Card, PayPal, bank transfer, wire transfer, and other country-specific payment methods.
In the case of bank transfers, all the information necessary is available on the Premium Service order form. Also, please notice that the surcharges resulting from the bank transfer are supported by You, not by Reservio.
Note: You are responsible to fill in your information on the payment request. Please make sure that all fields are completed and that all data supplied is accurate. Reservio is not responsible for uncompleted requests due to wrong or insufficient User-information. Pay particular attention to the variable symbol. Please note that we use external partners to process payments.
5.2 Recurrent Payment (Automatic Renewal)
If You acquired a Premium package, Your membership may be renewed automatically. The frequency of renewal can be monthly or yearly, depending on the type of payment that You selected. For yearly-based renewals, the amount is charged 30 days prior to the expiration date of the package.
The automatic renewal can be cancelled at any time after logging into the user account with the payment entity.
5.3 Payment Date and Activation Date
The payment date is set upon confirmation of successful reception of the amount in question by the payment entity chosen (i.e., payment method provider). Regarding payments made with Credit Card or through PayPal, the amount is deducted immediately from Your account. In addition, payment date and activation date are the same, unless the recovery of the fully paid order has to be done manually. In this case, the activation may be delayed for several days.
5.4 Requests for Refund
All Premium services, except for domain registration, are refundable within 15 days from the date of activation. However, please note that vouchers (discount codes) are not refundable in any way or form. To request contract revocation, You must send an email to Our Customer Care department.
For cancelation of acquisition of Premium services within the 15-day period, no justification is necessary; though it is encouraged as We use it as an information source.
In the case of authorized request to cancel any Premium service, except for website packages and domain registrations, You must provide a reason for the cancelation. For all cases mentioned above, the reasons that may trigger a refund are:
(a) Full termination of all services (including free versions);
(b) Repeating serious technical issue with the service, that impairs function of Your project;
(c) Failure to provide service that was paid in full (with confirmation of payment).
Note: Reservio reserves the right to review the cancelation reason You stated and to decide upon acceptance or denial of Your request.
If You intend to apply for a chargeback (complaint regarding charged card payment to your bank), please contact us before applying. We reserve the right to dispute the chargeback or terminate your account.
5.5 Date and Method of Refund
Refund of the fees paid will take place up to 50 days starting from the date of Reservio's notification of refund, and will be processed through the same payment method (except in the case of direct deposit) or by a non-refundable reimbursement voucher. The deactivation is done at the same time as the refund.
6. Acceptable Usage
"Acceptable Usage" of Reservio's website, its contents, products and services is defined in Paragraphs 6.1 through 6.8. Activities that go against or are otherwise forbidden by these paragraphs are therefore in violation of the Terms of Service and make You liable to disciplinary action and legal prosecution. For more information, please refer to Article 9.
6.1 Content
You will not post on nor distribute through the Reservio Site any materials that are of defamatory, threatening, obscene, harmful, pornographic or otherwise illegal nature. Also, materials that somehow violate or infringe, in any way, on Our rights or on the rights of others (including but not limited to intellectual property rights, confidentiality rights and privacy rights) are absolutely forbidden, as well as activities that may cause distress or inconvenience on Us or others. Moreover, You may not express opinions that are vulgar, crude, sexist, racist or otherwise offensive. We encourage Users to treat each other in a respectful and polite manner.
6.2 Ownership of Content
You will not post nor otherwise make available on Reservio Site any material which You do not own, without the express consent of the lawful owner of the material in question.
6.3 Participation in Events
You will abide by the rules of any competition, promotion or marketing campaign that You participate on Our Website.
6.4 Interference
You will not engage in any behavior or action that may affect the operability or the security of Reservio Site nor will You cause unreasonable inconvenience nor disruption to Our staff.
6.5 Identity
You will not impersonate any person/entity, nor misrepresent Your affiliation with a person/entity.
6.6 SPAM
You will not promote Your Reservio Site by sending SPAM (i.e., emails sent to accounts without the previous agreement of the account owner). You will also not use our emails to send SPAM (i.e. bulk emails sent to recipients without their prior consent).
6.7 Robot Software
You will not use robot software (nor any other software that is not Reservio) to create new Reservio Sites nor to access nor modify Reservio Sites.
6.8 Workarounds
You will not use workarounds of any kind, to overcome package limitations or limitations of any Reservio service or feature.
7. Intellectual Property
All copyright materials, trademarks and other intellectual property rights materials or contents supplied as part of Reservio Site shall remain, at all times, vested in Us or Our licensors. You are not permitted to use this material or content unless authorized by Us or Our licensors. Moreover, You are only allowed to use such material in the manner described in the Terms and Conditions, and no other. You will not copy, reproduce, distribute, commercially exploit nor in any form benefit/profit from such materials or contents, nor You will assist/facilitate any Third Party in actions such as the ones mentioned above.
Moreover, if You become aware of any such distribution or commercial exploitation, You agree to notify Us immediately.
8. Personal Data and Privacy
8.1 Legislative Framework
When processing personal data, we proceed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter the “GDPR”). Information on the principles and procedures in processing personal data is set out in the Privacy policy, which are published here.
8.2 Controller and Processor of Personal Data
In view of the fact that we provide you with data space for the purposes of data storage through the Reservio system, please note that, in regard to the personal data that you store on our servers, you are in the position of a personal data controller and Reservio is in the position of a personal data processor. You are obligated to handle the personal data described in the previous sentence of this paragraph in accordance with the legal regulations governing the protection of personal data, primarily in accordance with the GDPR.
8.3 Personal Data Processing Agreement
By entering into the Agreement, this Personal Data Processing Agreement according to Art. 28 of the GDPR is also entered into, with the following content:
Object of Processing
We will process such personal data that you store on our servers. In general, these will be personal data of persons participating in the User’s research through Reservio questionnaires (respondents), according to the rules contained in these Terms.
Processing Time
Reservio processes personal data for the duration of the contractual relationship until the time when the User cancels his/her account. All of the User’s stored data are subsequently deleted.
Nature and Purpose of Processing
The purpose of processing is the fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement, primarily the provision of data space for the purposes of storing Users’ data through the Reservio system.
Type of Personal Data Being Processed
Name, surname, gender, age, job position, residence address, e-mail etc. We do not process personal data pertaining to judgments in criminal matters and criminal acts. The User is not entitled to require personal data of a special category according to Art. 9 of the GDPR, and therefore we do not process such personal data.
Category of Data Subjects Whose Personal Data Are Being Processed
We process such personal data that you store on our servers. In general, these will be the data of respondents participating in the User’s research through Reservio questionnaires.
Our Obligations as a Personal Data Processor
We undertake:
(a) to process personal data only on the basis of the User’s substantiated instructions;
(b) to ensure that our authorized staff members who come into contact with personal data commit to confidentiality;
(c) to conduct appropriate technical and organizational precautions in order to ensure a security level corresponding to the given risk. When assessing an appropriate security level, we take into consideration primarily the risks presented by processing, primarily the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, modification, unauthorized disclosure of personal data being transferred, stored or otherwise processed, or unauthorized access thereto. The technical security of data is described in the Privacy policy;
(d) to take into consideration the nature of processing and to be of assistance to the User through appropriate technical and organizational measures in the fulfillment of the User’s obligation to react to a request for the exercise of the rights of the data subject as set out in Chapter III of the GDPR (Rights of the Data Subject);
(e) to be of assistance to the Client in ensuring accordance with the obligations under Articles 32 to 36 of the GDPR (Personal Data Security), while taking into consideration the nature of the processing of the information that Reservio has available;
(f) to notify the User without undue delay of cases of a breach of the security of personal data;
(g) to provide the User with all information necessary in order to evidence that the above obligations have been fulfilled and to enable the User to inspect the fulfillment of the said obligations. All information on the processing of personal data by Reservio are set out in the Privacy policy.
Further Processors
The User grants consent for Reservio to involve further processors in the processing of the personal data that you store on our servers. We undertake to inform the User of all intended changes pertaining to the utilization of further processors or the replacement thereof, and to provide the User with the opportunity to raise objections in regard to such changes. A list of processors is set out in the Privacy policy.
8.4 Data processing
You can be prompted to enter information about your person on different Reservio sites. We do not use this information in any way other than the one stated in the same place as the prompt to enter such information. All collected information is processed in the manner and with the limitations set forth in Our Terms and Conditions.
Reservio declares that the data that the User has or will have stored on the Reservio servers will be physically stored on the territory of the Czech Republic or of the EU’s member states.
Reservio, as a processor of personal data within the meaning of Article 30 (2) of the GDPR, keeps in a reasonable manner records of all categories of processing activities performed for the User, to the extent specified in the GDPR.
The User agrees that Reservio anonymizes personal data stored on its servers and further processes and analyzes them in order to improve and expand its service and its quality for the User.
8.5 Withdrawal of consent to the storage of information
You may request the removal of your personal data from our marketing database. To do so, you (your account owner) must file a written request (from the email address used to register the project) at our Customer Care Department.
8.6 Changes in Personal Data
We strongly recommend that you update all personal information as this data is used in the field of customer care services.
8.7 Registration
In order to use Our services and products, You must have a valid registration to Reservio. This entitles to have a project in which You can have multiple Reservio Systems. To register, You must provide a valid email address, a password and other personal information. You are the sole responsible for the confidentiality of Your password and account. All activity originated from Your account and/or password is Your responsibility. We strongly suggest that You keep Your password and account information strictly confidential and do not share it with anyone. In case of unauthorized use of Your password and/or account, immediately notify Reservio in writing from email address used to register the project. To avoid misuse of Your account, ensure that You sign out from Your account at the end of each and every session.
8.8 Responsibility in connection with End user
You are the person who uses Reservio System, and the End user is the person who books your schedule. To such extent, You are responsible:
1. for informing and notifying the End user about bookings that are created by You through the Our Services, about how Reservio may use the booking data and personal data as described in the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy;
2. for obtaining the consent by End users for the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
Reservio is not responsible for whether the User, as the administrator of personal data, has the legal titles to process personal data.
3. for compliance with all legislative rules and requirements that apply to the provision of services to consumers.
9. Violation of Our Terms
Failure to comply with the conditions stated on Article 6 and/or participation in activities that go against or are otherwise forbidden by these Terms of Service make You liable to disciplinary action and legal prosecution. The decision to initiate disciplinary action (including but not being limited to interruption of all services) falls under the discretion of Reservio and may be made without giving a reason.
Please report infringements of the present Terms of Service, Our Terms and Conditions or Your local laws without delay. To inform us of any such activities, please click here.
10. Interruption/Termination of Services
We reserve the right to immediately terminate or suspend indefinitely Our services to You, if You breach or We have reasonable grounds to believe that You are likely to breach Our Terms and Conditions. Also, We will terminate Our services to You, at Our sole discretion, if You engage in a conduct which We determine to be unacceptable.
11. Disclaimer
11.1 Third Parties
We do not endorse and shall not be held responsible nor liable for any content, advertising, product or service on or available through Third Party Websites.
Any transactions between You and any Third Party available on or via the Reservio Site, including payment for and delivery of products, services and any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings, are made between You and the entity in question. Therefore, We are neither responsible nor liable for any loss/damage of any sort, incurred in such dealings.
11.2 Exclusion of Warranty
Reservio, its subsidiaries, and its licensors do not represent nor warrant to You that:
(a) Your use of the services and products will meet Your requirements;
(b) Your use of the services and products will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or free from error, or viruses;
(c) Any information obtained by You as a result of Your use of the services and products will be accurate or reliable;
(d) Defects in the operation or functionality of any software provided to You as part of the services will be corrected;
No advice or information, whether verbal or written, obtained by You from Reservio, through or from Our services shall create any warranty not expressly stated in the Terms.
Reservio further expressly disclaims all warranties and conditions of any kind, whether expressed or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.
The rights and obligations of the contracting parties with regard to rights arising from defective performance shall be governed by the applicable generally binding legislation.
12. Limitation of Liability
12.1 General
Any direct, indirect, incidental, special consequential or exemplary damages which may be incurred by You, however caused and under any theory of liability. This shall include, but not be limited to, any loss of profit (whether incurred directly or indirectly), any loss of goodwill or business reputation, any loss of data suffered, cost of procurement of substitute goods or services, or other intangible loss.
Any loss or damage which may be incurred by You, including but not limited to loss or damage as a result of:
(a) Any reliance placed by You on the completeness, accuracy or existence of any advertising, or as a result of any relationship or transaction between You and any advertiser or sponsor whose advertising appears on the services;
(b) Any changes which Reservio may make to the services, or for any permanent or temporary cessation in the provision of the services (or any features within the services);
(c) Deletion of, corruption of, or failure to store, any content and other communications data maintained or transmitted by or through Your use of the services;
(d) Your failure to provide Reservio with accurate  information;
(e) Your failure to keep Your password or account details secure and confidential.
12.2 Jurisdiction
The limitations on Reservio's liability to You in paragraph 12.1 above shall apply whether or not Reservio has been advised of or should have been aware of the possibility of any such losses arising. Also, limitations which are lawful in Your jurisdiction will apply to You.
12.3 Information Provided on Reservio Sites
We are not responsible for nor We will be liable to:
(a) Materials written by Users, particularly those posted on blogs and/or forum. In addition, We do not endorse such materials and reserve the right to monitor such contributions, as well as, to respond, comment, edit, refuse to post, or remove any content from blogs and/or forum at Our absolute discretion. However, failure to remove particular material does not constitute an endorsement nor acceptance of it by Us;
(b) The accuracy, timing or reliability of any information/statement on Reservio Site, nor We will be held accountable/liable for statements, advice and/or opinions generated by Users on blogs and forum (except to the extent required by law). If You have any claim arising from the actions and/or statements of another User, You agree to pursue such a claim only against that User and not against Us;
(c) The quality, accuracy nor fitness of Reservio Site, except to what is required by law. However, We will engage in all reasonable efforts to provide Our services in the most professional manner;
(d) Any fraudulent misrepresentations, any injury or death resulting from Our negligence. We shall not be liable for any loss/damage caused to You or any Third Party which may arise out of or be related to Your use of the Reservio Site.
13. Continuous Improvement Process
The quality of Our services and products is the main focus of Reservio attention; hence Our system is subject of a Continuous Improvement Process both on the technological and design aspects of the product. The User acknowledges that products and services of Reservio are constantly evolving and may change their form over time. The User is not entitled to reject these changes.
14. Feedback
As part of Our commitment to constant improvement, Reservio, s.r.o. welcomes Your comments and suggestions to some or all of the conditions and policies stated on the present Terms and Conditions. In order to contribute with your comment/suggestion, contact our Customer Care department, or send an email to: support@Reservio.com
15. Applicable law, dispute resolution
All contractual relations arising between Us and You upon conclusion of the contract under these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by law of the Czech Republic. Disputes shall be settled by the court of competent jurisdiction in the Czech Republic according to the registered office of Reservio.
Last update: 31.10.2023