How to Get Customers to Leave a Review?

May 30, 2024
6 min read
online reviews
Customer reviews are the digital version of word-of-mouth recommendations. They can dramatically influence a business’s reputation and customer decisions. Yet, many businesses struggle with ways to encourage their customers to leave feedback. 

Here's a detailed look at why reviews matter, why customers might hesitate to leave them, and which strategies you may want to use to move your clients from hesitation to action.

Why do reviews matter?

Customer reviews are incredibly influential. They build trust with potential customers, enhance your business's visibility online, and improve local search rankings. Positive reviews can sway uncertain customers, increase sales, and boost your brand's credibility. Conversely, negative reviews offer a unique insight into areas that may need improvement and help to refine your services or products.

Why may customers hesitate?

Leaving a review is a voluntary action that requires time and effort, which is why some customers skip it. Others may feel they lack the perfect words to describe their experience, or they simply forget once they’ve left the physical or virtual premises of the business. Understanding these hurdles is the first step in developing effective strategies to encourage more reviews.

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Encouraging customers to write a review

Now that you know what may be holding your customers back from leaving a review, you may build a plan to increase the chances of customer reviews.

Ask in person

One of the most direct methods to encourage reviews is to ask in person. This approach works exceptionally well when the customer's satisfaction is apparent, and the interaction is fresh. A personal request can feel more genuine and is often more difficult to decline.

While you’re finishing the customer, accepting payment, and rebooking them for their next time, this is the perfect time to casually request a review on your website or Google. If you provide any instructions, for example, a QR code or a direction to your website, the client is much more likely to go and do that.

Target satisfied customers

Focus on customers who show satisfaction, whether it’s a compliment about the service or a positive comment during checkout. These customers are usually more willing to share their positive experiences with others. 

We don’t say to avoid negative feedback or constructive criticism entirely, but those are better to deal with in private. If you spot an unsatisfied customer, don’t let them leave your establishment with that feeling. Address the concern while you still can. Unsatisfied clients taking their bad experience online can hurt your business and reputation.

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Explain why reviews are important

Educate your customers on the impact their reviews can have. Explain that their feedback not only helps others make informed decisions but also aids your business in maintaining the quality of its services or products. Most customers have at least once considered reviews when purchasing a product or service, so they will understand if you take the time to explain.

Personalize the message

When asking for a review, personalize your message. Especially, when you’re automating the task and using technology to ask for reviews. A generic request might be ignored, but a personalized message shows you value the customer and their specific experience. Mention the time and date and the appointment or event they attended. Remind them what you’re asking a review for. People are busy and bombarded with messages. Stand out! 

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Make writing a review easy

The easier it is to leave a review, the more likely customers will do it. Provide direct links to review platforms through email, text messages, or on digital or physical receipts. While checking them out, show your customers where they find the link or QR code. If necessary, show them how to write the review. Ensure the review process is straightforward and quick.

You have an option to use communication channels such as text messages or email to ask for a review. If you don’t have a tool to automate such communication, you can always customize your bills and receipts or hand out print-outs when your clients are leaving.
customer leaving a review

Provide a template

Some customers avoid leaving reviews because they don’t know what to write. Providing a simple template or guiding questions can help. Ask them to describe what they liked best, or how the service could be improved. This can make the task less daunting and encourage more detailed feedback.

Reply to existing reviews

If you ask your clients to dedicate their time and energy to leaving a review, show that you value it. Responding to existing reviews, especially the negative ones. This demonstrates that you're attentive and committed to improving customer service, which can motivate others to share their experiences.

Offer a reward for reviews

Incentives can be a powerful motivator. Consider offering a small discount, a loyalty program point boost, or a future service benefit in exchange for a review. Ensure that the reward is modest and ethical and cannot be perceived as a bribe. Always disclose that a reward was offered in exchange for honest feedback.

You may question this strategy as unethical. However, offering a small discount on the next appointment or a free beverage the next time they visit shows that you value the time they spent on writing the review and helps you gather reviews needed to build online presence.

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Automate the task

Use tools to automate review requests after a service is completed. Automation ensures that no customer is overlooked and that the request for feedback is timely and professional. Reservio offers automated review requests to businesses registered in our marketplace which currently only operates in Czech and Slovak markets. However, you can use other integrated communication tools to automate such messages.

Handling negative reviews

Encountering negative reviews can be daunting for any business. However, these reviews are not just challenges; they are opportunities to demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction and improve your business practices. 
quotation mark
Customer reviews are incredibly influential. They build trust with potential customers, enhance your business's visibility online, and improve local search rankings. Positive reviews can sway uncertain customers, increase sales, and boost your brand's credibility.
Publicly responding to reviews, especially negative ones, builds trust and transparency with both current and potential customers. It shows that your business values customer input and is dedicated to continuous improvement. Professionally handling these situations can turn unhappy customers into loyal patrons and positively influence others who read the reviews and responses.

Respond promptly 

Quick responses show that you value customer feedback and are attentive to your customers' needs. It demonstrates a willingness to resolve issues swiftly.

Stay professional

No matter the tone of the review, keep your response polite and professional. Avoid defensive or confrontational language, as it can escalate the situation and reflect poorly on your business.

Acknowledge the issue

Begin by acknowledging the reviewer's concerns. Express empathy for their negative experience, regardless of whether you agree with their assessment.

Offer a solution

Whenever possible, offer a concrete solution or ask the reviewer to contact you privately to resolve the issue. This approach not only potentially rectifies the situation but also shows other customers that you are proactive about making things right.

Take the conversation offline

Provide a way for the reviewer to reach you directly, such as an email address or phone number. Handling specific grievances privately can lead to a more productive resolution and sometimes even a changed review.

Learn and improve

Use negative reviews as feedback to improve your services or products. If certain complaints are recurrent, it might indicate a larger issue that needs addressing.

Reviews are not just testimonials of customer satisfaction, they are a driving force behind a business's online reputation and visibility. By understanding why customers might hesitate to leave reviews and employing thoughtful strategies to encourage them, businesses can significantly enhance their review volume and quality. Engaging with your customers, making the process effortless, and showing appreciation for their input will not only help in gathering more reviews but also in building lasting customer relationships.

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