3 Things to Check as a Small Business Before the Christmas

Milena Krčková
Dec 20, 2018
3 min read
Christmas tree
"Christmas is coming, Christmas is coming," as the popular carol goes. But before the holiday magic takes over and you figuratively close up shop, there are a few things you’ll want to double-check. Why? To ensure your Christmas season truly is merry and bright.

If you're wondering what exactly you should check before heading out, we’ve got three tips that will help you sleep easier during the holidays:

Set your holiday hours

Many businesses adjust their operating hours during the Christmas season. If you have employees, some of them will likely be on vacation between Christmas and New Year’s. Make sure to update your calendar with these changes to avoid any unwanted surprises or clients knocking on your door when no one’s around.

How do you do this? If you’re using the Reservio booking system, it’s very simple. Just log in, go to the "Business" section (you’ll find this in the red bar at the top), and click on "Opening Hours." From there, you can easily set which days you’ll be closed.

If you need to update the holiday schedule for individual employees, go to the "Business" tab and click on "Employees." Choose the specific employee and scroll to the bottom of their profile. Then, hit "Manage Schedule" and enter the days and hours they will be available. If they’re off entirely, click the “x” next to the date and time, marking them as unavailable.

Shipping information

The holiday season puts huge pressure on delivery services, and you’re likely getting lots of questions about whether items will arrive before Christmas. If you’re handling shipments but struggling to respond to each inquiry individually, create a dedicated space on your website to share all the key information.

Don’t forget to include the cutoff date for your last shipment, which will likely arrive before Christmas Eve. This will save both you and your customers time and help them decide whether to place an order in time for the holidays.

Gift vouchers and expiry dates

Do you offer gift vouchers? The holiday season is the perfect time to review and update them. Is the year correct? Does the voucher clearly state the expiration date? If it contains a code that needs to be entered into your system, have you checked if it works? Can your customers easily find information on your website about where and how to redeem the vouchers?

By double-checking these details before the holiday rush, you’ll save yourself dozens of inquiries when you return to work. Plus, you’ll avoid frustrating customers who bought vouchers for themselves or loved ones but can't use them due to an oversight.

Is everything running smoothly? Have you checked everything? Then we wish you a wonderful holiday season and a happy New Year!

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