Interview - Daniela Schön: From Advertising Agency to Yoga Lessons and Massages

Milena Krčková
Mar 21, 2018
3 min read
Woman exercising yoga
Daniela worked in a well-known PR agency as a marketing manager. Then she went on maternity leave, and when her children grew up, she decided what to do next. She was considering whether to go back to work or try her hand at entrepreneurship. In the end, she didn't return to the agency and opened a yoga and massage studio. We talked to her about her journey and how Reservio is helping her.

Daniela signed up for a yoga teacher training course, passed her exams, found a suitable space, and listed her first dates. The studio's reputation spread quickly, and new clients came in linearly. Soon she had to start adding more classes. Today, her calendar is full of classes and messages. But aside from her business, she manages a family and three children.

How does a marketer get into yoga and massage?

I love yoga. When my maternity leave ended, I was hesitant to go back to a traditional job. Luckily, I have a great husband who was very supportive. And today, I have no regrets. Yoga heals the body and soul and helps to live in peace, happy experience, and acceptance. I am incredibly happy to be able to convey these feelings to my clients.

Is it an advantage for you that you are a marketer and can promote the studio yourself? Has that ever been necessary?

In my classes, I try to create a nice and friendly atmosphere, almost an intimate environment. We already have a friendship with many of our clients. Satisfied clients are the best reference for you, so they will bring their friends and colleagues to you later. They spread your name, they send you positive reviews.

Rather than promotion, I need to address the overwhelming demand and the limitations of my capacity. The big trend lately is yoga for employees in companies. I am very happy about this, employers understand how important it is for work performance to stretch and relax during working hours.

Do you use modern technology in your business?

Sure, some apps make your life and business incredibly easy. In the early days of the studio, a simple diary was all I needed for bookings.

As the number of lessons and clients grew, it was unthinkable to continue with a paper notebook where we wrote down every client who called or emailed. The paper notebook no longer suited me, so I looked for other options, preferably with online bookings so that clients could book themselves at any time.

I found Reservio. I keep a schedule of all my lessons in it, and clients book themselves with me. My booking form is also linked to my Facebook profile, so anyone interested can book directly there.

How do you manage business and family? You have three sons, two of whom are still young.

In any well-functioning family, the interplay between partners is important. I'm lucky to have a supportive husband. Especially in the evenings, when I still have lessons, he takes care of the children and the household.

And another help for me is Reservio itself. I make a lot of use of its mobile version, which allows me to manage my studio outside the office. On my mobile, I can see the complete schedule of lessons, the number of clients signed up, and confirm new bookings there. Often I don't even have time to start my computer, and I do everything from my mobile phone, for example, when I am waiting for my children at the clubs. In short, the perfect management assistant.

You can visit Daniela's yoga studio in Brno, where she currently runs open classes for the public in three locations. She practices yoga with mothers and children and also travels to companies to lead yoga for employees.

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